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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Have a question thats not answered here? Visit our contact page.

When is AZMUN 63?

AZMUN 63 is March 22-23, 2024. Conference check-in begins at 8am on March 22nd. Many out-of-town schools may choose to arrive the evening before. The conference ends in the early evening on March 23rd.

How much does AZMUN 63 cost? What does it include?

AZMUN 63 costs $75 per delegate/advisor, depending on when you register. Find deadlines here. Registration fees include guest speaker(s), trained conference staff, interpretation services, one (1) full-service catered meal, social event(s), and other operational and supplies costs.

My school has never had a MUN team, is this conference right for me?

AZMUN is open for all levels, and a great opportunities for schools just starting their MUN clubs/teams. Our wide variety of committee simulations are perfect for everyone from a new student to an expert delegate.

How can we best learn the rules for AZMUN 63?

We are working to provide new and improved resources for learning the rules and procedures for AZMUN. You will be able to find them here as they become available. 


Additionally, we work with high schools to provide on-campus and virtual trainings for your school. If you are interested in hosting a training, please email Nick at Trainings are generally open to other schools to attend, you can find scheduled trainings here.

Does AZMUN allow single/independent delegates to register?

Delegates wishing to participate without a full school team/club are permitted, but must have an advisor or parent who registers and is present at the conference. 

Do I have to be bilingual or fluent to participate in a bilingual committee?

No! Bilingual committees offer live interpretation services throughout formal debate. While some knowledge of the other language is helpful, it is by no means necessary. This is a great way to practice, just bring an open mind!

Can American high schools register for Spanish committees?

Yes! Many American delegates may be very advanced/fluent in Spanish. We encourage these delegates to participate in a Spanish committee if they are comfortable with doing so. The same is true regarding Mexican delegates in English committees. Please note that interpretation services are not provided in English or Spanish committees.

How does payment work?

Forms of Payment: AZMUN accepts cash/checks, credit card (P-card) with processing fees, and some purchase orders.*


Payment Deadlines: Payments must be received prior to their respective deadlines in order for the invoiced price to be honored. For example, payments not received by the priority deadline (January 15th) will be charged full price. Missing or late payments will result in additional fees and/or forfeiting of school registration.


*Purchase Orders: POs are accepted only if the purchase order can and will be fulfilled prior to the payment deadline. In other words, AZMUN must receive actual payment (not just PO document) prior to the established deadline.

modelo arizona

Naciones Unidas



Modelo de Naciones Unidas de Arizona

1145 E Campus Sur Dr, #315

Tucson, Arizona 85719


© 2023 por Modelo de Naciones Unidas de Arizona. Desarrollado y asegurado porWix​

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