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AZMUN 63 Committees

English Committees

League of Nations



Short Research Guide



[The United Nations Environment Programm]


Short Research Guide



Security Council


Advanced, Double-Delegated

Short Research Guide

World Health Organization



Short Research Guide


[The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization]


Short Research Guide


[The Economic and Financial Committee]


Short Research Guide

Joint Crisis Committee


Russian Civil War


Short Research Guide

United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs



Short Research Guide

International Court of Justice

NATO: Kosovo (Crisis), 1999

[The North Atlantic Treaty Organization]


Short Research Guide

The European Union


Traditional, Double-Delegated

Short Research Guide

Bilingual Committees | Comités Bilingües

International Press Delegation | Delegación Internacional de la Prensa

World Food Programme |
Programa Mundial de Alimentos


Traditional | Tradicional 

Short Research Guide

Guía Corta de Investigación


Human Rights Council | Consejo de Derechos Humanos

Hunger Games | 
Juegos del Hambre


Specialized, Double-Delegated | Especializado, Doble-Delegado


Short Research Guide

Guía Corta de Investigación


Paralympic Committee | Comité Paralímpico

Comités en Español

Comisión Sobre la Condición Jurídica y Social de la Mujer

Consejo de Seguridad


Avanzado, Doble-Delegado

Guía Corta de Investigación

Comisión de Desarme y Seguridad Internacional



Guía Corta de Investigación

La Oficina de Naciones Unidas Contra la Droga y el Delito

Consejo Económico y Social de las Naciones Unidas



Guía Corta de Investigación

Country Matrix

This is the matrix of all available countries and committees. A yellow square is reserved for American schools, and a purple square is reserved for Mexican schools. Please note that for non-specialized committees, the number of yellow and purple squares are not how many spots are available, these committees are going to have around 36 delegates. Instead, this just serves to try to make sure every school can get as close to their most perfered countries and committees. When you are registering for AZMUN, you will be asked to select your top choice of countries and specailized committees. This year's specialized committees are both JCCs, the Security Council, the ICJ, the IPD, the Hunger Games,  the League of Nations, and the Kosovo Crisis. Please reach out to me at if you have any questions"


Please note that the security council, EU and hunger games committees are double delegated.



A note on language

AZMUN is proud to be a bilingual Model UN conference for high schoolers. In fact, it was one of the first of its kind! AZMUN offers English, Spanish, and bilingual committees, and encourages delegates to consider participating in their second language, if comfortable.


Bilingual committees contain live interpretation and translation services, so delegates need not speak both languages (though it may be helpful). Spanish committees do not supply interpretation. While Spanish learners are welcomed, a strong understanding of the language is encouraged.​​​


Please note that the Security Council, EU, and Hunger Games committees are double delegated.

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